Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wait a minute. . . . . .

Wait a minute- for the record, I LOVE Primary. I have served as almost every teacher, and every leadership position. I already LOVE the kids we have. I'm just going to miss RS, that's all. In all these changes, I just didn't think I'd be leaving RS. BUT THAT'S OK ! Change is good. Growing and stretching, remember? it's good.

OK- Bari didn't get the part-time job he was counting on. I am disappointed. The grand plan was to work the part time job to the point where he could do just that and our weddings. The part time job has benefits, and he really needs to get out of the studio where he working now. Eventually, I would work only part time at the frame shop and also the wedding business. Like I said, it is disappointing.

I think I need to start ending each blog with something positive. I can get really depressed this time of year. The girls I work with laugh at me because I don't (with a passion) like to watch the Oprah, or Dr Phil shows where they give away all the stuff to the studio audience. Like I care. Why would I care? I'm bustin my buns (and feet and legs standing on concrete) working 40-50+ hours and still can't pay my bills, and get christmas for the kids---and they have free tickets for free stuff. I know call me Mrs Grinch.

So I'm going to end with something good- positive- uplifting.
I took some failed Turtle candy that Katy was trying to make (the caramel never set)- and made them into a yummy treat. That's positive Right? Is this better? I am grateful that I have children who love to try new things, even though they might not turn out. I am grateful that I have a warm house in the winter to protect my family, and although it isn't perfect- and I don't know how to make it perfect- it is ours. My family has a place to call home. A living room to put a tree in front of the window, beds to sleep in every night. I have a working computer to vent to my sisters, who love me even when I vent and am tired. Even though I don't always comment, I check your blogs every day. Your words and lives inspire me. I laugh and cry - sitting in my kitchen. I love you.


Patty said...

I'm sorry to hear Bari didn't get the job. What an absolute bummer.
If only being RS Pres meant that I could wave a magic wand and fix at least SOME of the problems!!
I can't help but to think that Oprah would be better off to give all that free stuff to people who could really use some good luck in their lives. (And not just the type of good luck that got them tickets to her show!)
You know what I'm thankful for? That you not only have a warm home and everything, but that it's within our ward boundaries so that we get to be blessed to know you and love you!!

Shayleen Lunt said...

DITTO! to everything Patty said (except the RS Pres)! What a trooper you are...still smilin'!

Mama D said...

Sorry Bari didn't get the job. Been there, done that. Hang in there!

And I like your thinking of ending each post with something positive.

For the record, you inspire me (and I believe, all of us). And I love you, too!

Corrie- said...

Yum, I love turtle candy. Keep working on the recipe Katie!

I'm working on the postive thing too, it's so hard when the daily grind can be long... but we both have lots to be grateful for. Thanks for the reminder Louann. You rock!

ANTSYLLI said...

So sorry to hear about the job for Bari. It just means there is something better ahead for him and you!
I totally agree about the watching Oprah thing...I don't begrudge anyone anything they have or get or how they choose to share it...I just can't relate to being handed something so easily (the audience members, not Oprah)when I work so hard. Keep up with the positive thinking--I know that this time of year I have to work on seeing the glass half full myself. And just one more note...we love you and Bari! Thanks for all you do to enrich our lives.