Friday, September 10, 2010

Too much going on . . . . . .

 So, I haven't written because we have had almost too much going on. The youngest 2 are back in school. They are in different buildings this year. It always makes me a little nervous when Madeline isn't there to watch over Sam. But then again, it is probably really good for Sam to be on his own without sis watching out for him. For instance, this week there were 2 mornings when Sam had to get himself on the bus. One time Bari Ray was home to keep and eye on the clock for him. The other time he really had to get ready (coat and bookbag) and get out the door. I worry about the TV distraction, but when I called (of course! I'm MOM!), he had his jacket and was walking out the door to catch the bus. Yeah!

  We have been seriously busy at work. Job security right? I framed a baseball base again this year, but with a twist, it also had a baseball to go with it. It was finished today, and looks pretty good. Bari and I will be going to the Pete Rose Roast tomorrow night. He is documenting it for my boss (who organized it ). It should be interesting. I have never been to a Casino first off, and all the players and celebs should be fun. I have met most of the old Reds - Big Red Machine players, but Bari hasn't. It is really fun that we can do this type of event together. Then, on Sunday we have another trip up to my hometown for an event there. We will have to leave late Saturday after the Roast, or early Sunday. I vote for Sat night. I always sleep better when I am in town, rather than getting up EARLY to travel. Same thing with next weekend. We have a late wedding Friday here in town, and an early wedding Saturday near Lake Erie.

  That is just a taste of life here. Good news for me, I finally finished the redecoration on the dining room. It has been torn apart for MONTHS. Labor Day I finished painting and moved furniture around. I did take some before and after pix. We'll see how long it takes to get them posted.

Well, this is a not-so-flattering pic of Madeline after they practiced for the tennis opening ceremony in Mason. It was really hot, but they did really well. Bari has better pix on his production computer. Some day I will see those again. . . .
 Even though I tried to put this at the bottom of my blog, it decided to place itself in the middle hmmmmm. Anyway, this is the picture taken right after Bari Ray received the priesthood at Stake Conference a couple weeks ago. It was quite a weekend for Bari Ray.

The boys are all doing well. Katy is doing pretty well. I think she lives for the weekends when Josh is home. Then again, who doesn't live for the weekends?  The boys are growing, Henry is almost 8 lbs, and Grant has hit 10. They both rolled over this week. William is a pistol. He is sooooo cute.

I have been able to visit my Mom more often these last couple of weeks. It has been really nice. She is doing well and seems very happy and busy. I love to visit and just sit on her porch. It sure brings back childhood memories.