Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I have a question. At what point does a good example turn bad? I've been thinking about my choice to go to church Sunday although I was really not feeling well. Actually, now that I (finally) feel better- I have a much clearer idea of how sick I was. Anyway, I choose to go to church. A good choice, right? A good example for the family. Hmmm- but I wasn't taking care of myself as I should have. Bad Example? As women we already run ourselves ragged taking care of everyone else. Is this the example I really want to portray to my children? More importantly, where do we draw the line?
Oh-on a happier note, we (Sam, Madeline, Katy and I) were in Madeline's room tonight. Sam started rolling around on her floor saying, "Boy-boy-boy-boy........" over and over. She didn't appreciate his 'boy germs' being spread on her floor. It was pretty funny.


Papa D said...

Mama and I were raised with very different philosophies about sickness and church attendance. Her parents essentially insisted on attendance at every possible meeting, unless a doctor certified that death was imminent or sneezing and coughing put the entire congregation at risk - and even then they felt guilty for missing the meeting. My parents, otoh, encouraged attendance but wouldn't press it if we didn't feel well - and never made us feel guilty for choosing to stay home.

It's interesting to see how that plays out with our family now.

chelle said...

It is a hard choice, especially when you have a calling where you feel like you HAVE to be there or you will let so many down. But, I am all for staying home and having a quiet house for at least 3-4 hrs if I have a headache. :D
WHat a funny boy Sam is!! HAHA I am picturing him now and the look on Madeline's face!! SHould of had a camera!

Patty said...

I can't really help with the question of whether to go or not since I am rarely sick, but I wanted you to know that I was grateful for the opporunity to try to comfort you while you were feeling so poorly. We often have no idea that people are suffering and I appreciate it when I am given a chance to share in someone's pain- even if I couldn't actually take on your migraine for you!
PS- You'd still be stalwart even if you stay home next time!

Leslie said...

I think either choice would have been acceptable to the Lord.

Since I first read this post, I keep thinking about the part in the Screwtape Letters where the junior devil is bemoaning to the senior devil that the guy he's supposed to be corruptin has become humble. The senior devil responds with, "Have you pointed that out to him?" The senior devil knows that as soon as we start thinking we're humble, we're not.
I think this relates to you. You made a good choice (though not the only good choice) for good reasons. Now, the junior devil assigned to you is trying to take away from that.
I don't know if that made sense or not, but I think that the junior and senior devils would be pretty happy to be able to make you feel bad about going to Church, and about trying to set a good example for your kids.

Dory said...

I agree with Leslie. I think we need to do the best we can with those kinds of choices and have no regrets. Hope you're feeling better. :)

Louann and Bari said...

As simple as it seems, I don't think I realized that I had 2 good choices. Thanks for all of your insight. I really appreciate it. And I like the analogy of the 2 devils- I do get it. Thanks Leslie.