Thursday, November 22, 2007


Here is my list of thanks-for Thanksgiving. It is an odd collection. In no particular order. (And quite incomplete I'm sure).

I'm thankful for-
A loving Father in Heaven and Son, my brother, Jesus Christ
Knowledge of the true an everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ
Eternal Marriage and my Eternal companion
The love and support of my companion, his calm and forgiving spirit (esp to me )
My many and varied children
My health, humor, and spirit
My own family, brother, sisters and Mother (who still calls me the Baby)
My extended family who have embraced my children as their own
My friends - truely love unfeigned
My home, the protection and comfort that lie within
My job and my husbands job (supporting our family as best we can-)
My talents, love of reading, love of all knowledge and news
Living in a country where I have choices and religious freedoms
Being a woman at this time and in this dispensation

Many happy and blessed Thanksgivings to all of you this holiday season.


ANTSYLLI said...

Lou, you have a great list there. I know for myself that if I started my list, it would take hours to complete. Heavenly Father has been so generous with us. I am thankful for this example to help me be more generous and giving as well. Hope your family had a wonderful holiday. Did you eat the crunchy stuffing this year? I hope so!

Mama D said...

Thanks for sharing your list. We have so much for which to be grateful!! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

Patty said...

What a great list! Thanks for the reminder of things to be thankful for. It's always interesting to read someone else's list because they inevitably remember to put down something that I've forgotten or haven't paid attention to.
Love ya bunches!!