Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Leslie's blog got me thinking. She has a (really yummy) menu planned for her Thanksgiving Dinner. ANYWAY- like I said, that got me thinking of my Mom's Turkey Stuffing. She puts sliced Water Chestnuts and Slivered Almonds in it. It was always a fun part of our holiday the night before, to sit around her kitchen table and break up the bread into pieces for the dressing. The kitchen smelled so good with the carrots, celery and onions cooking up in the butter for the stuffing. Another fun part of our celebration was to get out the handmade Bybee pottery mugs and have Apple Cider with a scoop of Lime Sherbet in it. I tried this other times of the year, but it was never as good as Thanksgiving. We only made the Cider/Sherbet as an appetizer for Thanksgiving, not any other holiday. Not even Christmas. The other thing we would have is a couple of dozen different candies and cookies set out after the dinner. My Great Aunt Eunice would bring all the after dinner treats for us to try. I don't know how we managed to eat anything after the HUGE dinners mom would make. Oh I just thought of one more thing. My mom would get the biggest turkey in the A&P (remember those?). She always made WAY too much food because we would take the aluminum TV trays and fill them to the brim and stick them in the freezer. We lived up north where the Snow falls in the Winter--and we were always guaranteed at least 3-4 snow days each school year. In the midst of the Snow Emergencys, we would pull those dinners out of the freezer and wow--the kitchen-the whole house would smell great !!! I think it tasted even better on those long winter nights.
Some time this year I want to try Leslie's Orange Slushie Recipe. Thanks for sharing!


ANTSYLLI said...

Those are some great memories. It is interesting to me to hear about all the different things families do. I never would have thought about your cider and sherbert drink. Sounds delicious! I should probably write something about that in my blog. Thanks for sharing. We love your family a lot.

Papa D said...

It does sound delicious - and gives us one more place to consider crashing dinner.

Mama D said...

Thanks for sharing your traditions! I am not a big fan of turkey dressing, but adding water chestnuts and slivered almonds?! Sounds heavenly! Please, post your recipe!

Patty said...

I love hearing about your traditions! Makes me wish I could tag along with you!!

chelle said...

I love water chestnuts and almonds! I might have to try that! Thanks for sharing!