Friday, September 26, 2008

When do I not have news?

So, I have exhausted myself whining and moaning about the change in storefronts. I tried to really look at the positive. I even got really tired of everyone telling me to look for the positive. Then, the very next day - in the morning - something really weird happened.

I was back at work. It was really slow so my assistant for the day, Lynne, and I were examining all points and pieces of my upcoming move, when the front door bell rang. I went out front and met the man who had come in the door. He immediately told me that he wasn't a customer, and I immediately thought, 'well, he must be a vendor'. I was wrong. He introduced himself as Ken, the owner of the Deck the Walls store, just down the road from me. Hmmmmm. This was odd, very odd. We spoke for a while about the stores and the economy. Then Ken said that he was looking for more help in his store, and if I knew any one who FRAMES and would be interested, to give him a call. Well, we had a little discussion. I told him I was supposed to change stores, and that I might be interested, but I had a specific schedule that was hard to work around. I told him what it was- 9 to 3 every day, No Sundays, 1-2 Saturdays a month. He said I should call him, that wasn't a deal breaker, and that we should talk. I spoke with Bari a little later that day and set up an interview with Ken for Thursday (my day off).

So, today I met with Ken again. We went through all my history, framing experience, expectations and all the questions I had. Then he said he would look over the schedule, and see if it would work out. He wanted another interview with me. It all looked really good. The money is better, but the way the pay system is set up, it is a little confusing. There seem to be quite a few opportunities for bonus money and extras through incentive programs implemented each month. I'd only have 1 week of vacation the first year, 2 the second, and 3 after 5 years. Nothing really seemed negotiable. But, it was a positive meeting.

All afternoon I thought about both stores and how I would fit in. The differences and what I really need. After all of the debate, and even though I haven't seen a raise - ever, I am leaning toward staying with Fastfame. There is really only one reason to stay and that is because Bruce is really very flexible. He knows my family, and any challenges I would have. I can only assume the new store wouldn't be as easy going, at least for the first year. I don't know how much money it would take for me to overcome the flexibility issue.

So, I thinking I'm going to talk to my boss, tell him I've been approached about another job, but let him know that all I really want from Fastframe would be another week of vacation.

Now I'm worried that I'd be letting an opportunity that literally knocked on my door- go.

Well, it's not over yet. They say that when a door closes, a window opens. In this case, a door closed, and another door opened, and if that one closes, we'll see what else makes it's way in the room. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-- - - - Why can't my choices be easy and obvious?


Patty said...

What an interesting situation! If you've been praying about your job situation then I wouldn't dismiss this "random" opportunity too quickly- God works in miraculous ways and this could be one of those cases. You're the only one who can really know though. Good luck with your decision!

Leslie said...

Ditto what Patty said!

Mama D said...

Patty is very wise. We all know that. Listen to her.

Sorry if our attempts to help you have added to the frustration you feel. It's not intentional. We love you and want you to be happy.