Friday, March 6, 2009

March 5th is a good day for a birthday

Finally! Katy delivered William Drake Colonel, 7lbs 11oz, 20 inches - March 5th, 2009 at 12:48pm by c-section. Wednesday March 4th was a very long day.

She thought that after all the preparation on Tuesday night that she would deliver on Wednesday. But the little pumpkin was turned the wrong way and would not (and believe me- we tried!)- roll the other way. So, the decision was made at about 11:30am Thursday that she would deliver by c-section. She and the baby are doing very well. She had gotten quite a good rest the night before (even though her water was broken at 2am). So she was really ready for something.

He is beautiful (of course!). He looks like Katy (I guess)- but has Josh's chin (a little cleft dimple!). And the LONGEST hair I have ever seen on a baby. My babies all had hair of some kind or another, but nothing like this.

I will get pics posted asap- Bari has to help me with that. Call my cell if you want her address or for me to text a pix to you!!!!
Little Will is here!!!!- OH and she'll be at Mercy Anderson room 356 until Sunday.


chelle said...

YAY ! Congrats grandma! Glad everything went well. Enjoy :D
Give my congrats to mom & dad as well!

Patty said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for all of you! And so glad everything turned out so well.

Cassie Rakes said...

That's the worst having to have a c-section after a LONG day, but I'm glad the little guy is here, and healthy, I might try to make trip tom.

Shayleen Lunt said...

Congratulations Grandma!

Steve and Jamie said...

Congratulations! I'm glad the baby is here and healthy. Let Katy know we are thinking of her.

Mama D said...

Awesome news! Congrats to all of you! I'm so excited for Katy and Josh. Can't wait to see pictures.

Cindy had a similar experience with Zach - long labor, baby wouldn't turn though they'd been trying for weeks to help him do so, and ended up with a c-section. Maybe you can share stories!

Mama D said...

PS: Now that you've had months to adjust to the idea, what is the ultimate decision for your new title? Going with Grandma or Nana or something else? :)

Corrie- said...

Congratulations to your family on the newest addition. I'm sure he will bring lots of joy and laughs!

heather said...

That is a good day for a birthday!! Congratulations!!